Signs and Symptoms: Presenting Features of Eating Disorders

Signs and Symptoms: Presenting Features of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders may be found amongst people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and sociocultural groups. In this webinar, we will review the most frequently identified features encountered by primary care providers and the diagnostic criteria for common eating disorders. We will discuss specific considerations for special population groups, known risk factors for the development of eating disorders, and the changing prevalence rates and presentations encountered in the current medical system.


Stephanie N. Ferrin, MD, MS

Stephanie N. Ferrin, MD, MS

Adolescent Medicine Specialist and Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UNC Healthcare, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the diagnostic criteria for the most common eating disorders
  • Review the common presenting symptoms and features of eating disorders
  • Identify the risk factors for the development of eating disorders
  • Discuss changing prevalence rates and presentations of eating disorders

Webinar Details


Primary care providers treating primarily adult populations

Learning Level





1.5 Hours