The Role of Behavioral Health Treatment for Patients with Eating Disorders

Demystifying Higher Level of Care for Eating Disorders

Outpatient clinicians might need to refer a patient to a higher level of care (HLOC) for eating disorder treatment, but what actually happens at that higher level of care can seem mysterious.  This presentation takes a deep dive into eating disorder treatment with a focus on inpatient and residential treatment. The primary goal of this presentation is to enable outpatient clinicians to make effective referrals to HLOC and to help their patients make a smooth transition back to outpatient treatment when they complete HLOC.


Tonya Foreman, MD

Tonya Foreman, MD

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Psychiatry

Learning Objectives

  • Describe what to expect to a patient considering HLOC for an eating disorder.
  • Name at least three types of therapeutic activities that might occur at HLOC for eating disorders.
  • Describe how to interact effectively with an outpatient who has just completed HLOC for an eating disorder.

Webinar Details


Primary care and behavioral health providers serving children, adolescents, and young adults

Learning Level





1.0 Hours