Eating Disorders in the Latino Community: Provider Considerations

Eating Disorders in the Latino Community: Provider Considerations

There is a significant stigma around eating disorders in the Latino community, which prevent them to disclose eating disorder symptoms due to shame and guilt feelings. Establishing connection and rapport using the cultural values of personalismo and familismo can help health care providers to assess the eating disorder in a cultural appropriate manner. This webinar is designed to discuss how health care providers can integrate key cultural values in the Latino community during the identification and initial assessment of eating disorders.


Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodriguez, PhD, FAED

Mae Lynn Reyes-Rodriguez, PhD, FAED

Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about cultural values relevant in the interaction with patients from Latino culture background.
  • Learn how to integrate personalismo and familismo in the initial identification and assessment of eating disorders in the Latino community.
  • Discuss what practices are more congruent with the Latino community during the intervention process.

Webinar Details


Primary care and behavioral health providers serving children, adolescents, and young adults

Learning Level





1.0 Hours