Social Media Policy
The purpose of the Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts for the National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders (NCEED) is to promote the mission and goals of NCEED.
Page Administrator
The page administrator is responsible for creating and maintaining all NCEED social media platforms.
Contact details:
Response Policy
NCEED staff are unable to continuously monitor or respond to comments on social media and do not provide counseling or referral services.
Post Content
The content of posts from NCEED is in accordance with the missions and goals of NCEED. Users are able to comment on posts but are not able to make their own posts.
Generally, posts fall into the following categories:
- Media posts. Includes links to evidence-based news stories and/or evidence-based informational posts about eating disorders.
- NCEED-related posts. Includes links to the NCEED website, etc.
- Q&As. Includes brief interviews with Content Experts from NCEED and/or other collaborators.
- Photo album posts. Photos taken of NCEED members (with permission) at events, including various eating disorder conferences.
Comment Policy
The administrator reserves the right to moderate comments posted to any of the NCEED pages that:
- Contain hate speech or personal attacks of any kind
- Contain obscene or vulgar language
- Contain language that is pro-eating disorders or contain links to “pro-eating disorder” websites
- Contain spam or links to third party sites unrelated to the topic/discussion
- Encourage or advocate illegal activity
- Violate any local, state, or federal laws
- Promote products, services, activities, or political organizations
- Violate copyrights or trademarks
- Are requests for help from someone with an eating disorder, from people who suspect they have an eating disorder, or from parents/friends/caregivers of people with eating disorders
- Endorse certain therapies as being either superior or inferior to other modalities of therapy
- The administrator deems to be inappropriate
Users who do not follow the comment policy will have their comment hidden and will receive a private message from the page administrator outlining why their comment was moderated.
Users whose comments are requests for help will have their comment hidden and will receive a private message from the page administrator encouraging the user to contact The Information and Referral Helpline for the National Eating Disorders Association.
Users who repeatedly violate the comment policy will be blocked from any or all NCEED social media pages by the page administrator. Obvious spam accounts will be banned immediately.
Trigger Warnings
NCEED acknowledges that content related to eating disorders, particularly media articles about eating disorders, may contain content that can inadvertently trigger distressing or problematic thoughts and behaviors for people with eating disorders and/or people recovered from eating disorders. Due to the character limitations, it is impractical to include a trigger warning with each post. NCEED will attempt to ensure that content contains a minimal amount of potentially triggering content.
NCEED does not endorse or support every comment posted from an individual or organization. Comments and images do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of NCEED or its members. External, non-NCEED links to third party websites should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the organization, entity, views, or content contained therein.
By posting content to any NCEED social media page, users are acknowledging that this information is public and NCEED does not control how other individuals may use this information. Users who do not wish to have the information they have made available shared, copied, or reproduced by others should not post this information on any NCEED social media page or account. The NCEED social media policy is subject to modifications at any time.